Election related dates for voters so you don't miss any important deadlines.
Upcoming Election Dates |
Illinois Primary Dates
Presidential Election Dates
Every voter must be registered to vote. Not sure if you're registered? Check am I registered?External Link Your registration is permanent unless you move or change your name. Not sure if you need to re-register? Check when to re-registerExternal Link.
How to Register
You can register online 16 days or more before an election.
You can register by mail (postmarked) no fewer than 28 days before an election.
You can register in-person up to 28 days before an election.
You can register in-person & vote in-person during early voting (at early voting locations) & on election day.
Registration Requirements
Any registered voter can request a mail-in ballot up to 5 days before an election.
Voters do not need to provide an excuse or reason why they cannot vote on Election Day.
Polling places are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., unless otherwise specified.
Find unbiased information about candidates and issues on the ballot to make educated voting choices. Some information may not be available until closer to an election date.
Look up Candidates
To browse books on voting issues and the history of voting in the library, ask for help at the Adult Reference Desk.
You will need your Rolling Meadows Library card to access many of our online resources if you are not using them in the Library. Need help? Stop by or call the Reference Desk at 847-259-6050 x130.
See every online resource the Library has to offer on the A–Z Online Resources page.
Use from home = Use from home
Library Card Required = Library card required
America’s NewsUse from home Library Card Required Current and archived full-text articles from news sources nationwide. Browse topics like midterm elections, electoral college, voting by mail, and more. |
History Reference CenterUse from home Library Card Required Full-text journals, magazines, reference books and thousands of primary source documents that cover election topics including interest groups, lobbying, and political parties. |
Points of View Reference CenterUse from home Library Card Required A balance of materials from all viewpoints about controversial issues including topics like campaign finance, gerrymandering, voting technology, and more. |
If you didn't find what you needed on this page, we have more resources for politics & government, local histor & public records, legal forms & reference, and more.
Politics & Government Research US and world politics, governing bodies, political leaders, political ideologies, the election process, and more. |
Digital Newspapers Read local and national newspapers to keep up-to-date on election news including the candidates, political issues and election results. |
Local History Explore Rolling Meadows local history and public records including history timeline, historical newspapers, archives, and more. |