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Notary Services

The library offers Notary Services, free of charge, at the Reference Desk on the main level. Notary services are open to all Rolling Meadows residents by appointment only.

A Notary Public is a public officer of the state, authorized by law to certify documents, take affidavits, and administer oaths.

Hand signing documents with a notary stamp next to it.

Preparing for your appointment

Notaries will not prepare or complete documents for you, nor can they give legal advice on any matters.

What to bring

  • A valid government-issued photo ID with your signature. A current driver’s license or passport is recommended.
  • Completed, unsigned documents. Documents must be signed in front of a Notary. Notaries may not notarize a document with any blank spaces.
  • Witnesses, if required. The Library will not provide witnesses and witnesses may not be solicited from patrons using the Library. In order to serve as a witness, the witness must personally know the person whose document is being notarized and must be in possession of valid photo identification as defined above.dent cardholder addresses.

Things to know

  • Notaries are regulated by Illinois notary laws and will not notarize documents that do not follow Illinois laws and regulations.
  • Notaries cannot provide legal advice pertaining to notarizing documents.
  • Documents must be complete and must be signed in the presence of the Notary.
  • Notaries are not permitted to make use of a translator to communicate with a Notary service customer. Illinois law requires that a Notary and the patron seeking notarization be able to communicate directly with each other.
  • Notaries cannot certify copies of documents or signatures, nor can they provide an Apostille.


Notary services are not available for the following documents:

  • Blank forms. Any blank spaces on a form should be crossed out or have N/A written. 
  • Government I-9 form/Employment Eligibility Verification
  • Deeds
  • Wills or living wills
  • Trusts
  • Documents of conveyance of real estate, mortgages, other real estate loans, documents or transactions or property transfers, including but not limited to refinancing or other types of real estate loans, purchases, sales, and beneficial interests in land trusts and deeds.
  • Power of Attorney or documents being signed by someone who has power of attorney and wants to sign on behalf of another person.

Make an appointment

Notary appointments are required. Appointments are subject to notary availability. Notary Services can be requested online by filling out the form below or by calling 847-259-6050 x139.

Request a Notary Service Appointment

Fill out the form to request a Notary Services appointment. Our notary will respond to finalize arrangements. Appointments are subject to notary availability. Please be as specific as possible. All fields are required. Please allow a 24 hour response time.

Enter the numbers only.

Notary Public

RML Notary Public
3110 Martin Lane
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
847-259-6050 x139

Additional Local Services

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2118 Plum Grove Rd
Rolling Meadows, IL

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118 E Wing Street
Arlington Heights, IL

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The UPS Store
126 E Wing Street
Arlington Heights, IL 60008

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The UPS Store
119 S Emerson
Mt Prospect, IL 60008

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