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If an item is not a part of our library catalog, Rolling Meadows card holders can access items from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). We’ll remove the hassle of driving around looking for a book, movie, or CD and get what you need sent right to the library.
Items eligible for request are books, DVDs and CDs. In some circumstances we are able to request magazines and journal articles. Materials requested must be older than 6 months.
The wait for a requested ILL item varies depending on where your item comes from. Materials generally take 1 to 2 weeks to arrive, but if we need to go out-of-state for the items, it may take a month to receive the materials.
A patron can have a maximum of 10 active ILL requests at a time.
Loan periods and overdue fines are at the discretion of the lending library.
Item renewals are at the discretion of the lending library. In most cases, items can not be renewed. Please return ILL items to Rolling Meadows Library.
To make an ILL request, you will need your Rolling Meadows library card and the details of the item you are requesting including format, title, author/artist/director and year of publication.
Call 847-259-6050 to make an Interlibrary loan request via phone. Please have your library card and the details of the item you want ready.
Any staff at the Readers Desk, Reference Desk or Ask Me Desk can help you make an Interlibrary loan request. Please have your library card and the details of the item you want ready.
Please fill out the form below with as much information as possible to assist us in selecting the correct materials.
If you are looking for an item not in our catalog you think we should add it to our collection, you can fill out our Suggest a Purchase Form.