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Rolling Meadow Library policies approved by the Board of Trustees help us fulfill the Library’s mission and vision. Last updated - 07/10/2024
Amended December 7, 2021
The Library contracts on an annual basis with the Northwest Cultural Council (NWCC) to provide artwork to display in the upper level art gallery of the library. This area comprises the wall space from the Administrative Offices to the elevator to the Board Room and on to the Community Room.
Some of the terms of the contract include, but are not limited to:
Amended February 19, 2024
Thoughtful and informed governance of a public library obligates each Board member to be familiar with the legal, technological, and budgetary issues now facing public libraries. Although staff is trained to deal with questions specific to public library administration, Board members, as ultimate decision makers for the institution, will benefit from the opportunity to expand their knowledge of increasingly complex library issues. The Board recognizes that it can benefit greatly from professional development opportunities offered by organizations such as the American Library Association and the Public Library Association. The guidelines below will help the Board Development Committee allocate available professional development funds and provide adequate funding for future budget requests.
Amended July 10, 2024
Board Room and Community Meeting Room Policy
The Rolling Meadows Library has two meeting rooms available to support the Library’s mission. When not in use for Library activities, these rooms may be made available for use for meetings of Rolling Meadows community groups and organizations whose aims are for educational, cultural, or civic purposes and not for profit.
Availability and Use
The Board Room and Community Room may be reserved by Rolling Meadows Library cardholders for not-for-profit use only.
Because the Library’s Board Room and Community Room constitute a limited resource and demand for their use is high, priority for their use will be given in the following order:
*A Rolling Meadows Library cardholder age 18+ must make the reservation and serve as the responsible party for the meeting. Proof of not-for-profit status may be required.
Political activities that provide information to the community can be held in the Library meeting rooms.
The use of rooms for hosting private or social functions is prohibited.
Rooms Available
Community Room: Seats up to 100 people theater style. (Other setup styles may reduce the capacity of the room).
Board Room: Seats up to 12 around a large conference table. Six additional seats are available along the wall of the room..
Equipment | Fees |
Community Room | $25 |
Board Room | $10 |
Kitchenette | $10 |
Grand Piano | $50 |
Equipment | Fees |
Projector with Kit | Free |
Cart | Free |
Microphone (Corded or Wireless) | Free |
Lectern | Free |
Music Stand | Free |
White Board Markers | Free |
In order to reserve a meeting room, an application and check for the required fees must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the meeting. No rooms will be reserved until the application and all of the fees have been received. Groups will be booked in order of priority and then by the date the application and fees are submitted. Additions or changes to your reservation should be made at least 3 business days prior to the date of the meeting.
Reservations for the next calendar year will be taken on August 1 of the current calendar year. No individual or organization will be allowed to reserve either room more than once per month without prior approval by the Library Executive Director.
Food and Drink
The kitchenette must be reserved when any refreshments are served. Only light refreshments (beverages, cookies, cake, or snacks) are allowed. The kitchenette must be left clean. All equipment and supplies shall be provided by the user. A sink, refrigerator, and microwave are available for use. Food and/or drink are not permitted outside the Board Room or Community Room. Carry-outs may not be ordered for delivery to the Library. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
Wireless internet access is available. The Library is unable to set up virtual meetings for outside groups. If a group would like to meet virtually, it will need to bring its own equipment. The only equipment available for virtual meetings is a projector and kit. Troubleshooting is limited to the items provided by the Library.
Grand Piano
A grand piano is available for use by organizations using the Community Room. The piano is kept in reasonably good tune by having a piano technician tune it several times each year. However, if an individual or organization requests a special tuning, the Library will attempt to have it tuned by the technician in time for the meeting and will charge the individual or organization making the request.
Cancellation of Meetings
The Library shall be notified as soon as possible if a cancellation becomes necessary. Any fees paid will be refunded only if the cancellation is made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Failure to provide such notice may result in the denial or cancellation of future reservations and the forfeiture of fees already paid. The Library reserves the right to cancel or relocate meetings if necessary. If possible, the Library will provide notice of meeting room cancellations or relocations at least 30 days before the meeting.
All meetings will be held during regular Library hours. Meetings will not start sooner than 30 minutes after the Library opens and must end no later than 30 minutes prior to the Library’s closing.
General Rules
Failure to abide by these rules may result in cancellation of or refusal of future reservations.
The Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to change any or all of the foregoing provisions without notice.
Amended December 7, 2021
Displays are marketing tools for the library. The purpose of displays in the library is to highlight materials that have the potential to significantly increase circulation while not distracting residents from our mission. Displays that hold the potential for a high level of controversy threaten the library’s mission and non-partisan standing in the community. The library should avoid using displays to advance any political or social agenda of the Board, staff, or any outside organization.
The collection should contain all points of view, but that does not mean that all parts of the collection will result in displays. Again, displays in the library are marketing devices intended to significantly increase circulation and program attendance. This policy applies to Library display cases as well. For more information on Library Display Cases see the policy: Display Case (see infra).
Amended December 7, 2021
It is the policy of the Library to provide for brochure distribution near the Reference Desk and in Youth Services to distribute information of interest to patrons regarding area not-for-profit organizations, not-for-profit events, and information regarding matters of public health and safety. For the purpose of this policy, an event or organization is considered to be within the Library’s “area” if it is within approximately 10 miles of Rolling Meadows.
Brochures or announcements concerning matters of public health and safety will be distributed. Examples of such a brochures or announcements include, but are not limited to, items concerning a missing child or pet, warnings from the Center For Disease Control, and alerts from the Department Of Homeland Security.
Brochures or announcements concerning not-for-profit organizations and not-for-profit events may be distributed. Examples of such a brochures or announcements include those concerning, but not limited to, area historical societies, senior centers, garden clubs, boy scouts and girl scouts, area bicycle associations, and area food depositories.
Individuals or organizations wishing to have items posted must submit them in advance to the Executive Director or the Executive Director’s designee for approval. Unauthorized items will not be distributed. The Library will periodically rotate items to keep the distributable items current and to accommodate the greatest number of items in the limited space available.
Amended December 7, 2021
It is the policy of the Library to provide bulletin board space to post information concerning matters of public health and safety and events of interest to Library patrons offered by area organizations. First priority for bulletin board space will be given to matters of public health and safety and to events from not-for-profit organizations.
An announcement concerning a matter of public health and safety will be posted on the appropriate bulletin board. An example of such an announcement includes, but is not limited to, an item concerning a missing child or pet, a warning from the Center For Disease Control, or an alert from the Department Of Homeland Security.
An announcement from a not-for-profit organization will be posted on the appropriate bulletin board if it:
An announcement from a for-profit organization will be posted on the appropriate bulletin board if it:
Individuals or organizations wishing to have items posted must submit them in advance to the Executive Director or the Executive Director’s designee for approval. Unauthorized items will be removed from bulletin boards. The Library will periodically rotate items to keep bulletin boards current and to accommodate the greatest number of items in the limited space available.
Amended December 7, 2021
Canvassing, as defined by City Ordinance (Chapter 74) External Link, is prohibited in the Library building. Canvassing outside of the Library but on Library property requires the Executive Director’s prior approval. Such canvassing will be approved if it is conducted at a reasonable distance from the front entrance of the Library and so long as it does not disrupt Library operations, impede patrons from entering or leaving the Library, or create unsafe traffic patterns on the Library’s sidewalks or parking lots.
This policy does not apply to activities coordinated between the Library and the Friends of the Rolling Meadows Library or the Library and the City Of Rolling Meadows. In all such cases, however, prior approval must be obtained from the Executive Director.
Peddling & Soliciting
For-profit peddling and soliciting, as defined by City Ordinance (Chapter 74) External Link, by organizations or individuals is strictly prohibited on all Library property.
Not-for-profit peddling and soliciting of funds may only be conducted in the Staff Lounge of the Library after obtaining the approval of the Executive Director. In considering approval, the Executive Director will take reasonable steps to confirm the not-for-profit status of the individual or organization and ensure that the time, place, manner, and duration of the peddling or soliciting will not disrupt Library operations or the use of the Staff Lounge. Examples include, but are not limited to, Girl Scout Cookie Order Forms and Rotary Club Food Drive sign-up sheets.
This policy does not apply to programs or activities coordinated between the Library and the Friends of the Rolling Meadows Library, the Library and the City Of Rolling Meadows, or to speakers, authors, or performers appearing at the Library as part of a Library-sponsored program. In all such cases, however, prior approval must be obtained from the Executive Director.
Amended February 19, 2024
Library Mission Statement
The mission statement of the Rolling Meadows Library guides the selection of materials as it does the development of services and allocation of resources. This statement articulates broad principles for library programs and services.
The mission of the Rolling Meadows Library is:
To provide excellent customer service & information in a variety of formats, including library materials and programs that Educate, Inform, Enrich, Inspire, and Entertain. The library serves the citizens of Rolling Meadows, linking them with resources throughout the World & providing equal access for all.
Materials Selection Policy
The Materials Selection Policy has been adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Rolling Meadows Library to guide librarians and to inform the public about the principles upon which selections are made.
Responsibility for Selection of Materials
Ultimate responsibility for materials selection rests with the Library Executive Director who operates within the framework of policies established by the Board of Trustees. The Executive Director delegates to the Directors of Reference, Readers, and Youth Services for collection development and to promote consistency in the selection and maintenance of the entire materials collection. All professional staff members may participate in the selection of library materials.
In order to maintain an up-to-date, useful collection, worn and obsolete materials are continuously weeded. Materials may also be withdrawn if they are little used or superseded by a new edition or better work on the same subject. Depth and breadth of varying degrees are desirable in various areas of the collection. The Collection Development Policy serves as a guide for weeding and maintaining the collection as well as for the selection of materials.
Titles are withdrawn from the library’s collection through systematic weeding by selectors or because of loss or physical damage. Materials which are withdrawn because of loss or damage are reported to the Directors of Reference, Readers, and Youth Services, as well as other professional staff members, who decide whether the item should be replaced using the same criteria as for selection. Other factors applicable when deciding on replacements include the number of copies of a title the library owns, the availability of newer materials on the subject, the importance of the work in its subject area, its listing in standard bibliographies, its cost, and space limitations. Audiovisual materials which are withdrawn will be replaced in most cases with new, popular titles, as these collections are designed to meet current interest.
Weeding identifies damaged items, ephemeral materials which are no longer used, out-of-date materials, extra copies which are not being used, and materials which are no longer appropriate for the collection. Weeding also helps evaluate the collection by identifying areas where additional materials are needed; older titles which need to be updated; and subjects, titles, or authors which are no longer of interest to the community.
Withdrawn materials will be released to the Friends Of The Rolling Meadows Library (hereinafter “Friends”) for sale. Materials the Friends cannot sell or which they determine to be unsellable, will be disposed of by the Friends or donated by the Friends to other charitable organizations and educational institutions of their choice. The Library requests that the Friends give local charities and educational institutions the highest priority.
Gift Books
Gifts to the collection can be in the form of money or actual materials. Gift plates and letters of acknowledgment are appropriate stipulations by a donor, but other requirements should be evaluated carefully before the gift is accepted. All gifts become part of the general collection and should not require special circulation procedures. Gifts of books and other library materials are gratefully accepted by the Library with the understanding that they will be considered for addition to the collection in accordance with the Materials Selection and Weeding Policies. The Library reserves the right to sell or otherwise dispose of gift materials not added to the collection.
When a patron offers to donate books, magazines, or audiovisual materials to the Library, the following guidelines apply:
The Library will accept hardcover and paperback books, audiovisual materials and popular magazines if they are in good condition. Local history materials from Rolling Meadows are welcome. These gifts are inspected by staff or volunteers for odor, water damage, wear, and age. Appropriate material may be added to the collection, put in the Friends of the Library book sale or, if not in acceptable condition, discarded, or recycled.
The donor will receive a written acknowledgment of the gift. Library staff will not appraise the books or indicate a value in the acknowledgment letter.
Reconsideration of Library Materials
A singular obligation of the public library is to reflect within its collection differing points of view on controversial or debatable subjects. The Rolling Meadows Library does not promulgate particular beliefs or views, nor does the selection of an item express or imply an endorsement of the author’s viewpoint. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, nor will items be sequestered.
Comments from members of the community about the collection or individual items in the collection frequently provide librarians with useful information about interests or needs that may not be adequately met by the collection.
Patrons who request the reconsideration of library materials will be asked to put their request in writing by completing and signing the form entitled Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Library MaterialsPDF File.(attached) [linked]
Upon receipt of a formal, written request, the Executive Director will appoint an ad hoc committee including, but not limited to, the selector for the subject area of the item in question and the appropriate supervisory staff. The committee will make a written recommendation to the Executive Director who will then make a decision regarding the disposition of the materials. The Executive Director will communicate this decision and the reasons for it to the person who initiated the request for reconsideration at the earliest possible date. The Executive Director will inform the Board of Trustees of all requests for reconsideration of library materials and their disposition.
In the event that the person who initiated the request is not satisfied with the decision of the Executive Director, he/she may appeal for a hearing before the Board of Trustees by making a written request to the President of the Board. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to limit the length of presentation and number of speakers at the hearing. The Board will determine whether the request for reconsideration has been handled in accordance with stated policies and procedures of the Rolling Meadows Library. On the basis of this determination, the Board may vote to uphold or override the decision of the Executive Director.
Selection Guidelines
Selection is a discerning and interpretive process, involving a general knowledge of the subject and its important literature, a familiarity with the materials in the collection, an awareness of the bibliographies of the subject, and recognition of the needs of the community.
Amended December 7, 2021
All Library display cases are used to promote awareness of the library’s materials and program offerings. Staff will prepare exhibits to enhance circulation and program attendance. All displays will be approved by the Library Director and coordinated with the Director of Special Services. This policy is also subject to the Book & Other Material Displays policy (supra).
Amended December 7, 2021
Function: In the event of the delay in receipt of the Library’s tax revenues, our general reserves will allow the Library to continue to operate for four to six months at current budget levels or for a longer period at reduced levels.
Composition: to calculate the current level of general reserves, subtract Balance Sheet line item 1013 Capital Projects Allocation from TOTAL ASSETS.
Fund Balance Targets: The minimum general reserve target is four months operating expenditures at current budget levels. The desired general reserve target is six months operating expenditures at current budget levels.
2022 levels are calculated as follows:
Fiscal 2022 Annual Budget: | $4,020,036 |
General Reserve Rebuilding Working Cash Funds (Budget Expense Line Item 58000) |
- $ 20,000 |
Capital Reserve Rebuilding Fund (Budget Expense Line Item 58001) |
- $ 93,318 |
Extraordinary capital expenditures such as large-scale building renovation projects or ILS upgrades (look for non-annual special non-recurring projects that may be in line items 53320, Building Improvements or 53060.04 System Maintenance - ILS) | - $ 30,000 |
(repaving front drive to be paid from General Fund, not Capital Reserves) |
Total Operating Budget Exclusive of Additions to Reserves and Current Year Extraordinary Capital Expenditures | $ 3,876,718 |
Average Monthly Operating Budget: |
$ 323,060 |
Minimum Four Months Target: | $ 1,292,240 |
Desired Six Months Target: | $ 1,938,360 |
Amended December 7, 2021
All users of the Internet are expected to use this library resource in a responsible and courteous manner and to follow all Internet-related rules, regulations, and procedures established for its use including, but not limited to, those of the Library.
Violators of this policy may be required to terminate their use of library equipment or immediately leave the building at the discretion of the "Person In Charge”. If repeated violations occur, the Library Director may revoke the patron's use of library computers or the Library Board may choose to revoke all library privileges and ban the patron from library property. Unlawful activities will be dealt with in an appropriate manner.
The Library reserves the right to terminate an Internet session at any time.
In keeping with the library’s collection development policy, all computers use software that filters obscene and pornographic images; however, no software can completely block all objectionable material and parents/legal guardians are encouraged to guide their children in exploring the Internet while sharing with them the family’s personal views about acceptable use of the Internet.
Amended December 7, 2021
Purposes: The purpose of this policy statement is to outline the responsibilities, general objectives, and specific guidelines for management of public funds by the Rolling Meadows Library.
Responsibilities: All investment policies and procedures of the Rolling Meadows Library will be in accordance with Illinois law. The authority of the Library Board of Trustees to control and invest public funds is defined in the Illinois Public Funds Investment Act, and the investments permitted are described therein. Administration and execution of these policies are the responsibility of the Treasurer, and, by designation, the Library Director acting under the authority of the Library Board of Trustees. Investments, fund balances, and the status of such accounts will be reported at each regularly scheduled meeting of the Library Board.
Objectives: In selecting financial institutions and investment instruments to be used, the following general objectives should be considered:
Guidelines: The following guidelines should be used to meet the general investment objectives:
Amended December 7, 2021
The purpose of the Legacy Project is to identify and honor volunteers who have made a significant contribution to the growth and maintenance of the Rolling Meadows Library. A secondary purpose is to bring the library’s history alive for the public through the works of its most significant volunteers.
Volunteers include past and current Friends Of The Library, Board Members, and individual volunteers assisting departments and committees within the library.
Anyone can nominate a volunteer to receive Legacy Project recognition. A form will be made available in both print and on-line formats.
The Heritage Committee may identify up to three candidates each year for possible induction. Inductions will be made at the annual Volunteer Luncheon. A simple majority vote of the Heritage Committee, followed by a majority vote of the Library Board, will secure induction of a candidate. Unsuccessful candidates may be reconsidered for induction if they are re-nominated at a future time.
A framed poster approximately 12” x 18” will be permanently displayed in the library to honor each Legacy Project Inductee. The poster will include a photo of the inductee, the word “Volunteer” and designation of their volunteer type as “Friend”, “Trustee”, or name of the department they worked with. An electronic version of the poster will also appear on the library’s web page for viewing by family and friends not residing in the Rolling Meadows area.
Amended December 7, 2021
The Library will depreciate all purchases for individual capitalizable items equal to or exceeding $5,000 in value. All book and audio visual purchases will be depreciated regardless of purchase cost.
Amended December 7, 2021
When the weather is bad, the most important issue is whether we can safely get enough Staff in to keep the public desks open. Staff not working at public desks should check with their supervisors to see if they can rearrange their weekly work schedules. Again, supervisors need to make the final decision on this, but if Staff isn’t needed at public desks and they want to swap a day later in the week, it may be a good idea to allow this
Things that DO NOT determine our Library’s closing include:
Amended July 10, 2024
The Rolling Meadows Library is committed to maintaining an environment where patrons can freely access library information and resources. To protect the privacy of patrons and staff, and to ensure a safe and welcoming environment, the following policy outlines the guidelines for taking photographs, videos, and audio recordings within the library premises.
General Policy
Exterior Photography and Recording
Photography and recording outside the library building and on library grounds do not require permission. This activity must not impede the ingress or egress of patrons or staff or block parking lots.
Commercial Photography and Recording Use of library facilities for commercial photography or recording may be permitted if it aligns with the library's mission and policies. Requests must be made at least one week in advance, and a fee may be charged to offset costs. Approval must be obtained from the Library Director or their designee.
Performers and Contractors
Any contracted performer or programmer wishing to record their performance must submit a request in writing at least one week prior to the event. Approval must be obtained from the Library Director or their designee. The library reserves the right to deny the use of recording equipment and will determine where such equipment can be placed. Performers with recording equipment must provide a certificate of liability insurance listing the library as an additional insured.
Photography and Videos of Materials and Resources
Patrons are allowed to take photographs and recordings of the library's publicly available collections. Responsibility for obtaining consent for photographing or recording copyrighted materials rests solely with the patron.
Library Photography, Videos, and Recording
Library Board Meetings
In accordance with Section 120/2.05 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.), any person may record the proceedings of Library Board meetings and other open meetings, provided that the recording does not disrupt the meeting or create a safety hazard.
Individuals taking photographs or recordings are solely responsible for any injuries to persons or property resulting from their activities. They must also obtain all necessary releases and permissions from identifiable persons or for copyrighted materials. The library assumes no responsibility for obtaining these releases or permissions.
Compliance with Policy
The library reserves the right to ask any individual or group violating this policy to cease taking photographs or recordings.
Amended December 7, 2021
The Rolling Meadows Library welcomes you and encourages all residents and visitors to enjoy our Library. It is the hope of the Board of Trustees and Staff that the Library proves to be a warm, inviting, and pleasant place to visit. To ensure that our patrons can use the Library without unnecessary distractions, we ask that visitors behave in a manner that respects the rights of others. The following guidelines will help us to create an atmosphere conducive to learning and enjoying all that our Library has to offer.
Behavior that significantly disrupts or is likely to significantly disrupt operations, or other patrons’ use of the library, or which poses a significant risk to the safety of patrons or staff will not be allowed. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to:
Violations of the Library’s public conduct policy may result in removal of the patron from the Library, denial of Library privileges, or, if appropriate, civil or criminal prosecution.
Drinks in covered containers are welcome in the Library. Snacks from the Library vending machine may be consumed in the Garden Lounge. Eating is not permitted in other areas of the Library.
Amended May 8, 2024
Amended December 7, 2021
Security Camera Policy
The Rolling Meadows Library maintains a security camera system to assist staff and local law enforcement in maintaining a safe and secure environment for library patrons.
A sign is posted at the Library entrance informing the public that security cameras are in use.
Camera Location
Security cameras will be positioned to record only those areas specified by the Executive Director and Library Board. Camera locations shall not be changed or added without the permission of the Executive Director and after consultation with the Library Board. Cameras are located in selected interior and exterior locations where library users and staff have no reasonable expectation of privacy.
Access to Digital Images
Camera data is recorded and stored digitally. Access to recorded data and images is restricted to the Executive Director, staff and contractors designated by the Executive Director to assist in managing the security camera system, and the City of Rolling Meadows Police Department.
Unauthorized Access and/or Disclosure
Unauthorized access to or disclosure of security camera data and images may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Any library employee or contractor who becomes aware of an instance of unauthorized access to or disclosure of security camera data and images must immediately notify the Executive Director.
Amended July 10, 2024
The Rolling Meadows Library has four small group meeting rooms available for patron use during library hours. The small group meeting rooms are covered by policies listed in the Rolling Meadows Library Public Conduct Policy. In addition, no canvassing, peddling, or solicitation is allowed in the small group meeting rooms in accordance with the Rolling Meadows Library Canvassing, Peddling and Soliciting Policy.
Rules Of Use
Violators of this policy may be required to terminate their use of the small group meeting room and immediately leave the room at the discretion of the “Person In Charge”. If repeated violations occur, Library staff may revoke the patron’s use of the small group meeting rooms.
The Library reserves the right to terminate a small group meeting room session at any time.
Amended December 7, 2021
The Rolling Meadows Library (RML) believes that by using Social Media we are more accessible to our users and can better promote library resources, services and events. This policy governs use of all Social Media for any purpose. Social Media are defined as any web application, web site, or web account created and/or maintained by RML which facilitates an environment for library staff and users to share information and opinions about library-related subjects. These tools include, but are not limited to: blogs, instant messaging tools, social networking sites, and wikis.
This policy applies to all staff and patrons of the Rolling Meadows Library, whether registered with RML or not. RML regards Social Media in the same way as its other resources and communications. This policy does not replace, but rather supplements, existing library policies.
RML reserves the right to monitor content before it is posted on any of its Social Media applications, and to modify posts for space and content, while retaining the substance of the original post. The library reserves the right to remove posts that violate this Social Media Policy. Failure to comply with federal, state and local law and library policy, rules and regulations will be grounds for suspension of posting privileges. Examples of appropriate content include, but are not limited to:
Inappropriate content is subject to removal at the library’s sole discretion. Examples of inappropriate content include, but are not limited to:
Rolling Meadows Library reserves the right to reproduce posts submitted to its social media sites. Personally identifiable information will be removed. RML does not collect, maintain, or otherwise use personally identifiable information stored on third party social media sites other than to communicate with users on that site. Users should be aware that third party websites have their own privacy policies. All content posted on library social media sites is subject to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and record retention laws.
Rolling Meadows Library does not endorse, monitor, or review the content of personal, non-Library related social media activity of its employees. The library, its employees and trustees assume no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from participation in librarysponsored social media applications.
Amended December 7, 2021
Children Under Age 7
Children under age 7 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other responsible person age 12 or older. The person who is responsible for a child under age 7 must be present in the same department as the child.
If staff becomes aware of a child under age 7 who is alone in the Library and who is unable to contact the child’s parent, guardian, or other responsible person age 12 or older for transportation home, the child will be detained and turned over to the police for his/her own protection.
If a child is detained for his/her own protection, a minimum of two staff members will wait with the child until he/she is safely in the custody of the police. The Library will not transport children to and from the Library unless such transportation is part of a Library program approved in advance by the Executive Director.
Children Age 7 Through 11
Children age 7 through 11 are allowed in the Library alone; however, they must be able to assist staff in contacting the child’s parent, guardian, or other responsible person age 12 or older for transportation home from the Library if necessary.
If staff becomes aware of a child age 7 but not yet 12 who is alone in the Library and who is unable to contact a parent, guardian, or other responsible person age 12 or older for transportation home, the child may be detained and turned over to the police for his/her own protection. In determining whether the child is to be detained and turned over to the police for his/her own protection, staff will consider factors such as: the time of day, current weather conditions, the route and distance the child must travel to get home, etc.
If a child is detained for his/her own protection, a minimum of two staff members will wait with the child until he/she is safely in the custody of the police. The Library will not transport children to and from the Library unless such transportation is part of a Library program approved in advance by the Executive Director.
Children Age 12 Or Older
Children age 12 and older are welcome at the Library without additional supervision.
Amended December 7, 2021
Weapons On Library Property
The Rolling Meadows Library follows the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, 430 ILCS 66/65 (a)(18) which prohibits the carrying of firearms onto library property. The Library Board prohibits all weapons of whatever kind from library property.
(see also, Public Conduct Policy, supra)
Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday 9am-9pm • Saturday 9am-5pm • Sunday 12-5pm