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Searching the Catalog

Start Your Search

Vega Catalog Search Bar see steps above

  1. Enter search terms in the search box, and either press “Enter key” or select “  ” (search icon)
  2. The Search Results Page displays items that match your search terms.
  3. Explore the search results to find items, topics, and people that interest you.

Refine Your Search

Vega Catalog refine results sidebar, see steps below.

  1. On the Refine Results Panel, select from the following sections:
    • Availability
    • Date
    • Format (pictured above)
    • Age Group
    • Persons
    • Concepts
    • Language
    • Locations
    • New materials
  2. Notice when you expand a section, you will see the number of available items for each filter.
  3. When you select a filter, a lock icon " " appears to the left. If you want to keep the filter selected for your next search, select the " " (lock icon)
  4. Select “Apply”

Sort Your Search

Vega Catalog sort your search options.

Sort the search results by

  • Relevancy
  • Date:newest
  • Date: Oldest
  • New Materials

Save Your Search

Vega Catalog save search, see steps below.

  1. On the search results page, select “Save Search
  2. Login to your record, if you are not already
  3. On the Save Search tab, enter a name for the search
  4. Select “Save Search”

Search Reset Filters

Vega Catalog reset filter options.

Reset your selected filters all at once or one at a time.

Explore Your Search

What you can explore on the search result page, see options below.

  1. Go to the item's Resource Page for more information about the item like summary, publishing information, and more.
  2. See more search results from the author.
  3. Search for all items in this series (only an option when item is part of a series).
  4. Choose the format you want to explore (not all items will be available in multiple formats).
  5. Call NumberLocation in the library (not applicable for eBooks or eAudiobooks).
  6. Place a hold. Learn about holds. For eBooks and eAudiobooks you will have the option to Check Availability. You will be redirected to Digital Library of Illinois (Overdrive). 
  7. Bookmark an item to save it, share it, and add it to lists.

Item's Resource Page

What you can explore on the item's resource page, see options below.

  1. Read the item's summary, description, or review.
  2. Choose which format you want to explore further (not all items will have multiple formats).
  3. Item's call number.
  4. Select arrow for more details like publisher, publication year, page count, and language.
  5. See item's availability. Item will either be available, checked out, or on order. You can place a hold regardless of item's status.
  6. Location in the library. If you need help locating an item in the library, you can find help at the Readers Services, Reference, and Ask Me Desks.
  7. Due Date (will only show if item is already checked out).
  8. Bookmark an item to save it to a specific list, save item for the future, or share item.

Scroll down the page to see item's reading level, more information about the author, related resources, related people, and related topics.

Need more help or want to dig into these features further? Check out the Vega Help Manual External Link